Notes To Myself

Author: Hugh Prather

Genre: Self-Help

Notes to Myself, Hugh Prather’s first book is, in reality, a journal. A place where he kept writing his deepest thoughts, his pains and problems in the course of everyday living. The book was finally published in 1970 after multiple rejections but, just within a few years, worked its way to become a best-seller with more than 5 million copies sold.

The book is a series of short, one paragraph observations that chronicle his tribulations and development as a man. Everyday feelings and introspections are honestly evaluated and diligently penned down. It is the journey of a man whose personality is not yet defined and who is still experimenting on his approach towards life. Hugh’s concerns would be common to any young reader:  career and life uncertainty, anxiety of not being good enough, the “longing to know oneness” with the loved ones, and even questions around sexual expression. It was a time when he was trying to find his individual goal in the larger scheme of the world.

The book has no page numbers, you read each thought in bits and pieces and then chew upon it and let it sink in. In fact, depending on how you are feeling on a particular day, you go back to the book for those thoughts, as a comfort that you are not alone in this world.

Some of his gems, faithfully reproduced verbatim: