The Power Of Full Engagement

Author: Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

Genre: Self-Help, Mangement

Dr. Jim Loehr has authored over 16 books, and teaches the ground breaking ‘science based energy management training system’. Clients include Fortune 500 companies like P&G, PepsiCo, GlaxoSmithKline, Citibank, and also FBI!! On the other hand co-author Tony Schwartz is an American journalist and business book author. He has written over 7 books most popularly : ghostwriting Trump: The art of the deal. He is also the founder of non-profit organization Catalyst Inc. which works towards building inclusive workplaces for women and businesses.

Apparently, in Procter & Gamble before, there was a training around this book that senior managers underwent along with their secretaries. The idea is to help improve the energy, and hence the output of senior managers.