Top Recommendations on Philosophy

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Siddhartha, Siddhi + Arth means ‘he who has found the meaning (of life)’, is just the book a ‘seeker’ could ask for: a young, intelligent man’s quest for fulfilment and purpose of life. Nobel Laureate Hesse at his best.

A dying professor teaches his young student many deep lessons on life. They meet for 14 Tuesdays, each with a new theme like the world, emotions, love, forgiveness, money, regrets etc.

Zorba represents epicurean pleasure – good food, dance, women… living in today, enjoying every moment. Buddha on the other hand, was the epitome of living a life of introspection and cautioning against desire. Can the two come together?

This ‘classic tribute to hope’ says that we are happy when we find a meaning, a calling in our life. Life without purpose, even with all comfort, will be hollow and aimless.

Taleb distills our self-delusions in life into witty, humorous and deep one line aphorisms that will make you smile, sigh and think at the same time.

Osho Rajneesh – provocative and insightful – gained notoriety with this book. He delves into the real nature of relationships and sex, and forcefully argues that repression of natural sexual desires will only make us worse. Instead his advice is to act as a ‘witness’ to the act, to transform it into love and spirituality.

The subtitle says it all – An Inquiry into Values. Generally regarded as the best selling philosophy book of all time (sold more than 5 mn copies), it is an autobiography of a 17 day father-son bike trip, punctuated by serious philosophical discussions.

‘There is a pleasure in philosophy… which every student feels until the coarse necessities of physical existence drag him from the heights of thought into the mart of economic strife and gain.’ Read real wisdom from Socrates to Russel and everyone in between.

Naval Ravikant, the Founder-Chairman of US$4bn AngelList (match-making site for entrepreneurs and angel investors), has a knack for figuring out winning individuals and business models.

Osho Rajneesh is one of the most provocative and inspiring spiritual teacher of this century. This book is great compilation of his talks. Osho has offered some good insights on nature of our relationships. This book can help anyone understand the simple truth about sex and how it has been exploited by our society.