
Blink Malcolm Gladwell

Execution Ram Charan

Fish!Stephen Lundin

Good To Great Jim Collins

Outliers Malcolm Gladwell

Winning with the P&G 99Charles Decker

Six Thinking Hats Edward De Bono

Snapshots From Hell – Peter Robinson

The Fortune At The Bottom Of The Pyramid C.K. Prahalad

The Leadership PipelineRam Charan

The Mckinsey Way Ethan Rasiel

The One Minute ManagerKenneth Blanchard, Spencer Johnson

The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell

The First 90 Days – Michael D. Watkins

Know-How – Ram Charan

No Rules Rules – Reed Hastings, Erin Meyer

The Art of Thinking Clearly – Rolf Dobelli

Lean In – Sheryl Sandberg

Factfulness Hans Rosling

Freakonomics – Steven D Levitt, Stephen Dubner


Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe

The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini

One Hundred Years Of SolitudeGabriel Garcia Marquez

Night Of January 16thAyn Rand

Animal FarmGeorge Orwell

Shiva Trilogy (all 3 volumes) Amish Tripathi

To Sir With LoveE R Braithwaite

The White TigerArvind Adiga

LolitaVladimir Nabokov

The God Of Small Things Arundhati Roy

The AlchemistPaulo Coelho

The Unbearable Lightness Of Being Milan Kundera

Fifty Shades of Grey E.L. James


The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Times Will Durant

The Rise And Fall Of The Third ReichWilliam Shirer

Collapse  – Jared Diamond

Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari

(Auto) Biography: 

Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela

The Story Of My Experiments With Truth Mahatma Gandhi

Steve JobsWalter Issacson

My Life In Full Indra Nooyi

Screw It, Let’s Do It Richard Branson


Pride And Prejudice – Jane Austen

War And Peace – Leo Tolstoy

Anna Karenina Leo Tolstoy

Atlas Shrugged – Ayn Rand

The Fountainhead – Ayn Rand


India After Gandhi – Ramchandra Guha

The Argumentative Indian – Amratya Sen

The Discovery of India – Jawaharlal Nehru


Chicken Soup For The Soul Jack Canfield

Don’t Sweat The Small StuffRichard Carlson

Emotional IntelligenceDaniel Goleman

How To Win Friends And Influence People Dale Carnegie

Notes To MyselfHugh Prather

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective PeopleStephen Covey

The Road Less Traveled Scott Peck

The Happiness ProjectGretchen Rubin

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There Marshal Goldsmith

Who Moved My Cheese? Dr. Spencer Johnson

What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School Mark Mccormack

Full Catastrophe Living – Jon Kabat Zinn

Awaken The Giant Within – Tony Robbins, Anthony Robbins

The Science Of Happiness – Stefan Klein

Happier – Tal Ben-Sahar

The Power Of Habit – Charles Duhigg

Thrive Arriana Huffington

The Little Book Of Hygge – Meik Wiking

Jonathan Livingston Seagull – Richard Bach

Being Mortal – Atul Gawande

Popular Science:

Physics of The ImpossibleMichio Kaku

The Tell-Tale BrainV Ramachandran

The Future Of The MindMichio Kaku

Brief Answers To The Big Questions – Stephen Hawking

Incognito – The Secret Lives of the Brain – David Eagleman

The Selfish Gene – Richard Dawkins

Guns, Germs & Steel – Jared Diamond


From Sex To SuperconsciousnessOsho

Man’s Search For MeaningVicktor Frankl

The Story Of Philosophy – Will Durant

Yuganta: The End of an Epoch Iravati Karve

 Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle MaintenanceRobert Pirsig

Siddhartha – Herman Hesse

Tuesdays With Morrie – Mitch Albom

Procrustes Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Zorba The Buddha Osho (Rajneesh)

Entrepreneurship & Wealth Creation:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert T Kiyosaki

The Millionaire Next Door Thomas J Stanley, William D Danko

The High Performance Entrepreneur – Subroto Bagchi

Think And Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

The Psychology Of Money Morgan Housel


Essays in Love – Alain De Botton

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus – Dr. John Gray

God & Spirituality:

Buddha Karen Armstrong

The Power Of Now Eckhart Tolle

Vedanta Treatise Swami A Parthasarthy

Kathopanishad Swami Chinmayananda

The God Delusion Richard Dawkins

The Case For God Karen Armstrong